Toyota Material Handling Europe invites over 13,000 employees to ‘Start your Impossible’ in the run-up to the Olympic & Paralympic Games Paris 2024

Since 2015 Toyota has been the Worldwide Mobility partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In 2024 the games move to Paris where Toyota Material Handling Europe is, for the first time, the official partner for material handling equipment. This fits perfectly with the Toyota Material Handlings Europe’s company purpose to ‘Move the world towards easy and sustainable’ - given Paris 2024’s carbon neutral target. From October 2022, all employees in the company are invited to join Toyota’s ‘Start Your Impossible’ programme, with the aim to make a difference for themselves, their colleagues and society at large.

The ‘Start Your Impossible’ programme will run for 18 months and has clear goals, which are to strengthen the individual’s wellbeing and self-esteem​, build on team spirit and feeling of belonging and reinforce the company’s culture and common values.

“Our overall aim is to build our company brand and our reputation as an employer with the highest standards when it comes to the way we develop our people,” explains Andreea Bernicu, Senior Specialist for Employer Branding, who is driving the programme. “At the end of the process we will be sending 300 of our people to the Paris games as ambassadors for our company.”

The ‘Start Your Impossible’ programme was first developed by Toyota Motor Europe and Toyota Material Handling Europe are using the same platform, which includes an app for all staff to download and interact with. The programme has many elements, including sports, community activities and challenges.

The challenges have specific quarterly themes which are in-line with Toyota’s key objectives, such as environment, innovation, and diversity & inclusion. Types of activities include mindset shift (changing habits), and volunteering initiatives to give back to communities.

The pan-European programme is a one-of-a-kind initiative potentially involving around 13,000 employees of Toyota Material Handling Europe in over 30 countries. The programme was introduced in October 2022 and runs until April 2024. 

For Toyota in Europe, Paris 2024 will be its “home” games, so it is preparing to showcase its innovative capabilities in developing inclusive mobility products and services as well as presenting hydrogen-powered products. This also supports Toyota Material Handling Europe’s Vision of zero muda [zero waste] in its customer’s logistics operations.


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